Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Zumba Fitness More Effective than Other Excercise

People looking Zumba Fitness just like dance party, but research has shown that it is a very effective exercise.
zumba is a very good exercise, because many movements are performed.

research based articles acefitness.org stated that with zumba will burn on average 369 calories. Zuba is the right choice for those who want to lose weight compared with other exercises tested in the past by the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences University, Zumba burns more calories than cardio kickboxing, step aerobics, yoga and strength hooping.

“If we look at the heart-rate monitor strips from the Zumba fitness session, they kind of look like interval workouts, going back and forth between high intensity and low intensity,” says lead researcher Mary Luettgen, M.S. 
Because of that, with Zumba you burn a lot of extra calories compared to a steady-state exercise like jogging.

Fun Zumba Dance

Fun Zumba Dance Workout. Lets Check it Out!!